

Consider improving disaster preparedness in your community by becoming a volunteer with:


  • Help us in our booth at outreach events, such as Solano Stroll or neighborhood community meetings.
  • Do you have any grant writing experience?  BDPNN is looking for those with grant writing experience to help us fund projects (for example, funding Go Kits for low income seniors).


For more information email us at:   info@bdpnnetwork.org

Berkeley CERT (Community Emergency Response Team)

The City of Berkeley offers volunteer opportunities through its CERT volunteer program.


  • For more information about volunteering with Berkeley CERT see:

American Red Cross

The American Red Cross responds to disasters such as fires, earthquakes and floods with assistance and support to individuals and to the larger community. Within the San Francisco Bay Area they have various offices in San Francisco and the East Bay.


  • To contact specific locations within the Bay Area see the directory at:
  • For more information about volunteering with the American Red Cross see: