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Town Hall Meeting on public safety with Fire and Police
Council person Susan Wengraf: "Every year I hold a forum on fire safety and crime. This year I will be combining the two, with the first half dedicated to fire danger and fire safety issues, and the second half to crime and public safety matters. The meeting will be co-hosted by Council member Hahn who […]
Find out more »BDPNN: What We Do That CERT Doesn’t
How does BDPNN (Berkeley Disaster Preparedness Neighborhood Network) go beyond CERT? BDPNN is a nonprofit organization in Berkeley aimed at supporting overall community preparedness. Together BDPNN and CERT volunteers create a broad network of training and support for disaster preparedness. BDPNN board members Lynn Zummo and Dave Peattie will share the history of BDPNN, its mentorship program, and its expanded outreach to […]
Find out more »Berkeley Disaster and Fire Safety Commission monthly meeting
Participates in the review of emergency, disaster and mutual aid plans and agreements and makes recommendations to the City Council regarding legislation and regulations needed to implement such plans and agreements. The Commission is also empowered to register disaster workers.
Find out more »BDPNN General Meeting
Topic: Evacuation Routes Speakers: Steven Glasier with Berkeley Pathwanders and Keith May, Assistant Chief for Special Operations/Berkeley Fire Department
Find out more »Solano Stroll
Join us at our booth at the Solano Stroll, located on the NE corner of Colusa@Solano!
Find out more »Berkeley’s Changing Ground: Volcanoes, Landslides, and the Hayward Fault
Berkeley Path Wanderers present Berkeley's Changing Ground: The Hayward Fault, Landslides, and Volcanoes Andrew Alden Start: Codornices Park Playground The steep residential hills of North Berkeley owe their picturesque qualities to three great geological forces: tectonism (earthquake faulting), mass wasting (landslides), and volcanism (lava flows). Andrew, who has a blog that focuses on East Bay geology and is […]
Find out more »The Big One was Yesterday—What Do I Do Today?
City of Berkeley's OES resident disaster management specialist, Jennifer Lazo,will talk with us about what to do after you've all met at your neighborhood spot, the immediate injuries are attended to, fires are being handled as best as you can. Now what? How do you get through the next days, weeks or even months?
Find out more »BDPNN General Assembly | Red Cross Shelters
Richard Fateman of the Red Cross will discuss how the Red Cross plans and execute disaster response shelters, and what the specific needs and hurdles are for Berkeley. Come with your questions!
Find out more »“Lessons from the Sonoma Fires: What Can Berkeley Learn”
As tragic as the Napa/Sonoma/Santa Rosa wildfires were, many areas of the Sonoma Valley were spared due to the low fuel load presence of the vineyards, and they provide extremely valuable lessons for us. The communities of the East Bay are the closest urban areas to natural areas with the rating of "highest wildfire risk" […]
Find out more »Animal Disaster Preparedness and First Aid
Jenny Wenk has been a Registered Veterinary Technician who worked in both private veterinary clinics and with East Bay Humane Society. She is a volunteer for Berkeley Animal Care Services and is the current Chair of the City's Personnel Board. She has 3 totally adorable (most of the time) cats (as she describes them). She […]
Find out more »Community-Based Disaster Prep Demo Fair
A public community-based event to demonstrate that a cohesive and resilient community is the best beginning to prepare for and respond to a disaster. This will be a family-friendly event, with a focus on seniors and people with disabilities. Giveaways! Raffles! Games! Food! Program: A grass-roots effort planned and executed by a coalition of community […]
Find out more »Disaster Mental Health
One of the most lasting and damaging effects of a disaster is the trauma to one's mental and emotional health, for those experiencing the disaster and to first responders. Post-disaster mental trauma can be substantial; one study estimates the prevalence of PTSD at 30–40% among direct victims, 10–20% among rescue workers, and 5–10% in the […]
Find out more »East Bay Community Emergency Prep Fair
A public community-based event to demonstrate that a cohesive and resilient community is the best beginning to prepare for and respond to a disaster. This will be a family-friendly event, with a focus on seniors and people with disabilities. A grass-roots effort planned and executed by a coalition of community groups and individuals, featuring demonstrations of disaster […]
Find out more »Community Planning Meeting for April 17 Emergency Exercise
On April 17, BeCERTAINN will host a GMRS repeater radio communications exercise. BDPNN is working to expand the exercise to the entire community to better prepare for and respond to an earthquake scenario, especially within a pandemic context! We will meet as a community to offer suggestions and to hear ideas from the community as […]
Find out more »BeCERTAINN Spring 2021 Emergency Radio Exercise
BeCERTAINN will be running a repeater radio exercise to practice different disaster communication operating procedures. The aim of the exercise is to have participants from the greater Berkeley area simulate the types of operational procedures that may be required after a major earthquake. For the most up-to-date information on this radio exercise, and to register, […]
Find out more »6:30 pm
Disaster Preparedness: Back to Basics and Back in Person!
Click here for a PDF of Bill Springer's Powerpoint presentation. Click here for a PDF of Bill's "Hot Links"! Berkeley Disaster Prep Neighborhood NETWORK is back at the BFUU Church (corner of Bonita and Cedar avenues). Reconnect at our first in-person event since the pandemic began! See details and register on Eventbrite. Bill Springer, Berkeley […]
Find out more »Disaster Prep Tech
Come join us for a series of short (10 min.) presentations on various disaster prep tech, such as: Helpful apps to keep on your cellphone to support your emergency notifications, disaster planning, and situational awareness Portable solar power backup All-in-1 radios (with phone chargers, flashlights, etc.) GMRS repeater radios phone chargers Water purification techniques, including LifeStraw […]
Find out more »Disaster First Aid with Barbara Morita
Critical Life-Saving Measures with an Earthquake Focus (unedited) VIDEO of Barbara’s presentation now available on Youtube. PDF of Barbara’s handout available here. Barbara calls it “Practical First Aid” and covers these topics in depth: Triage (sorting) victims Control bleeding Shock Simple splinting Moving victims Barbara includes hands-on practice and Q&A. You can check out this […]
Find out more »Disaster Evacuation (with Barbara Morita)
Safe Evacuation (with Barbara Morita) Stabilizing & Moving Injured Victims Skills training on how and whether to safely move an injured victim. Success depends upon a good plan. We will logic our way through: stabilization, head-to-toe exam, assess whether to move. Develop a plan, gather resources. Then execute it smoothly and safely using CERT skills. […]
Find out more »Community & Mental Health
Postponed to January 2025... Preparing for the Unexpected When: Thursday, August 29th, 6:30–8:00p.m. Where: Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists (1606 Bonita Ave, Berkeley) Who: Susan Snyder What: This interactive presentation draws on trauma-informed mental health practices and research on resilient communities to develop real-world “what we can do” for our individual and collective mental health as we […]
Find out more »Community & Mental Health
Preparing for the Unexpected When: Thursday, January 31st, 6:30–8:00p.m. Where: Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists (1606 Bonita Ave, Berkeley) Who: Susan Snyder What: This interactive presentation draws on trauma-informed mental health practices and research on resilient communities to develop real-world “what we can do” for our individual and collective mental health as we prepare for or respond […]
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